NixOS: Copy Closest Closure

Posted on 2024-05-28

At work, I’ve set up a few Raspberry Pi 400s as signage devices. These devices display a web browser in “kiosk” mode, showing a roulette of information pages, live reports, and various system statuses.

Setting up the boxes, I probably could’ve used off-the-shelf solutions like Anthias (never tried), but where’s the fun in that?

Instead, the whole setup is powered by a simple ~200 lines NixOS configuration combined with a bespoke signage web application implemented using vanilla HTML, CSS, and some simple JavaScript.

The Raspberry Pis aren’t exactly computational powerhouses and in my post on building NixOS for the Raspberry Pi 3B I explained how I use emulated1 compilation via binfmt_misc from my more powerful laptop or desktop computers. This avoids doing most of the distribution assembly work on the Raspberry Pi (which would take forever) and it also keeps most development dependencies off the target systems. This makes for a leaner deployment in general, which is good given NixOS’s notorious appetite for disk space.

All that said, this post isn’t about the signage device configuration and the application I’ve made, but a fun little detail in the capabilities of nix and the exchange of its pre-built2 artifacts.

🕸 Look at the mesh I’ve made

We don’t have much physical infrastructure at work besides the WiFi mesh network. There’s no corporate network or other VPNs. Pretty much everything is cloud-hosted. The signage R-Pis are basically the local infrastructure at the moment (lol). In any case, to access the devices from home, I’ve set them up on a tailnet.

"A NixOS snowflake mesh of nodes. (DALL-E)"

I’ve used various means of getting NixOS configurations onto remote hosts, mainly deploy-rs. However, NixOS supports remote system profile activation without any additional dependencies through nixos-rebuild. I won’t go into details as there’s already an excellent Haskell for all post on the topic. So for these devices I simply stick with nixos-rebuild.

One pain point is that copying nix closures from my host machine to the Raspberry Pis in the office is slooow. Dead slow. đź’€

Also, as I’m iterating on configurations and upgrades, I don’t usually want to mess with all devices at once, so I typically pick out one I use for experimentation. Luckily, nix will only copy things that have changed, and this means that most of the required derivations make it to my target device incrementally until I’m done experimenting. However, when I want to apply this final configuration to the other devices, I would need to copy them all… again.

The devices themselves, however, are on the same network, and so copying between them should be a fair amount quicker. What if I could copy common dependencies in the configurations directly among the devices, saving me time as well as not having to remember to keep my laptop on the same tailnet (I use several)?

As long as we know what we’re after and nodes know how to communicate with each other, nix alone can serve as its own little distributed binary cache.

That’s preeetty dope.

🚧 NixOS rebuild

First off, we need to build the complete configurations for the devices we wish to deploy. This is trivial with a flake configuration where the various hosts are defined together. Building a specific one is as simple as using nixos-rebuild build:

nixos-rebuild build --flake .#baard-open-space

This leaves the system activation package linked under ./result:

❯ ls -l result
lrwxrwxrwx 1 myme users 101 May 28 19:34 result -> /nix/store/h16i6zjrjcv0wrd2dl9n3m0g4xqjcn4a-nixos-system-baard-open-space-23.11.20240525.9d29cd

Make a note of the nix store path or rename the symlink before building the other system(s). I’m not sure if nixos-rebuild supports something like the nix-build / nix build output link name parameter --out-link.

How do we find shared derivations between the various configurations?

🌳 nix-tree

nix-tree is a great little tool for browsing the dependency graphs of nix derivations: the derivation’s closure. It provides a TUI reminiscent a file browser where it allows you to dig down into the dependency graph of derivations provided on the command line:

nix-tree shows the derivation’s closure size and sorts the results from largest to smallest. This is useful as I would like to avoid copying as much as possible from my machine at home that has already been copied to one of the Raspberry Pis in the office. Inspecting the activation packages we can see that etc is the largest, while the system-path is the second largest.

I also would like to avoid copying stuff that is specific to a single host’s configuration because it’s unusable by any other host. Navigating around in nix-tree it’s clear that there are certain host specifics in etc. This is not surprising as the hostnames differ, etc. However, everything within the system-path is identical and the closure hash is the same.


Another even simpler (and more precise) way of determining shared derivations is using nix-store --query directly:

❯ nix-store -q --references ./result* | cut -d'-' -f2- | sort | uniq -c | sort -n
      1 append-initrd-secrets
      1 bash-5.2-p15
      1 bash-interactive-5.2-p15
      1 coreutils-9.3
      1 findutils-4.9.0
      1 firmware
      1 getent-glibc-2.38-66
      1 glibc-2.38-66-bin
      1 glibc-locales-2.38-66
      1 gnugrep-3.11
      1 initrd-linux-6.1.91
      1 kernel-modules
      1 kmod-31
      1 lingering-users
      1 linux-6.1.91
      1 local-cmds
      1 net-tools-2.10
      1 nixos-system-baard-entrance-23.11.20240525.9d29cd2
      1 nixos-system-baard-open-space-23.11.20240525.9d29cd2
      1 shadow-4.14.2
      1 shadow-4.14.2-su
      1 systemd-254.10
      1 system-path
      1 users-groups.json
      1 util-linux-2.39.2-bin
      2 etc
      3 perl-5.38.2-env

Keep in mind that nix-store -q --references only returns the direct dependencies (references) from the source derivations. To dig deeper, nix-store -q also accepts a --tree flag to provide a recursive, tree-like view of the graph (what nix-tree shows with an alternate representation).

By passing both system derivations to nix-store --query --references, we’re getting the union of all referenced derivations. Since we also get the hash in the nix store paths, any derivation name that appears only once is either an identical, shared dependency, or it’s specific to one of the two devices.

Comparing the “potentially shared” list with the dependencies required for our “to be updated” system is an exercise left for the reader.

I’ve yet to explore the possibilities of nix-store / nix store sub-commands like diff-closures, which would most likely be able to provide even more precise results with regard to which closures are identical between two derivations. Neither have I spent any effort digging into other tools specializing in nix deployment. For instance, Colmena supports parallel deployment, but I’m unsure if it has any features related to copying derivations between two or more remote hosts.

🍝 Copy/pasta

Once we’ve determined the derivation(s) we want to copy we can use nix-copy-closure. It allows us to copy a derivation and its dependency graph in its entirety from one Raspberry Pi host to another.

Without further ceremony:

nix-copy-closure --from /nix/store/gxz15i14ig73maiy2zpaj4myhl9gckyi-system-path

Nix uses ssh for this so it’s convenient to make use of an ssh-agent to avoid having to type in credentials. Nix commands invoking ssh also accept an NIX_SSHOPTS environment variable containing parameters to pass on to the ssh command.

Once the entire system-units from the example above have been transferred, we need to perform the actual activation of the next NixOS generation. This can be done using a regular nixos-rebuild switch with a remote target host.

nixos-rebuild switch --use-remote-sudo --target-host --flake .#baard-open-space

For a little more ergonomics, I use a small bash script that also asks to restart the display manager of the signage device (to apply window manager configuration changes, etc.):

#!/usr/bin/env bash

set -eo pipefail

# Ensure there's a hostname argument
if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
    echo "Usage: $(basename "$0") <hostname>"
    exit 1

# Fetch all possible hostnames into an array
while IFS= read -r line; do
done < <(nix flake show --json 2>/dev/null | jq -r '.nixosConfigurations | keys[]')

# Ensure the hostname is valid
if [[ ! " ${hosts[*]} " =~ " $1 " ]]; then
    echo "Invalid hostname: $1"
    echo ""
    echo "Use one of:"
    printf '  %s\n' "${hosts[@]}"
    exit 1

# Build and deploy the system
nixos-rebuild switch --use-remote-sudo --target-host "$1" --flake ".#$1"

# Restart the display server if the user wants to
read -p "Restart the display manager? (y/N) " -n 1 -r

if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]
    ssh "$1" sudo systemctl restart display-manager.service

Which is invoked via the configuration flake as an app:

  # ...

  outputs = {
    # ...

    apps = let
      deploy = pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
        name = "baard-deploy";
        src = ./;
        dontUnpack = true;
        installPhase = ''
          mkdir -p $out/bin
          install $src $out/bin/deploy
    in {
      deploy = {
        type = "app";
        program = "${deploy}/bin/deploy";
nix run .#deploy baard-open-space

After running the remote-to-remote closure sync, the deployment only copies a fraction of the required system dependency derivations.

How cool is that?


  1. Not cross-compilation as binfmt_misc invokes qemu for the aarch64 architecture and runs the entire toolchain on the target architecture.↩︎

  2. Quite a large portion of nix artifacts are in fact not “binary” data.↩︎