Parser combinators
In the last post I mentioned how I’ve gotten back into Haskell
over the last
months. Come December and time for another round of The Advent of Code. I
haven’t been participating in this programming challenge series the last few
year. However, since this is an excellent chance to apply Haskell
to new
problems I decided to start follow the challenges. I have thoroughly enjoyed the
ones I have attempted thus far, even though I’ve not been able to keep up with
the daily challenges. They often end up taking a surprising amount of time,
perhaps also due to me using Haskell
One common denominator with all the challenges in the Advent of Code
is the
requirement to parse input data. Parsers may be a “solved problem”, but there
are many ways to approach parsing when faced with challenges like these,
ranging from pragmatic uses of regular expressions and ad-hoc string
manipulation, to fully-specified grammars and parser generators.
Coincidentally, parsing is one of the areas in which Haskell
truly shines,
especially in the domain of parser combinators. There are multiple parser
combinator libraries for Haskell, yet I’m not going to focus on any of them
here. For the Advent of Code
, I didn’t want to stray too far away from the
default base
package, and to my joy I found that there actually is a quite
capable parser combinator module included in base
A parser combinator is a higher-order function which accepts parsers as input, returning a new parser as output. A combinator is a higher-order function that uses only function application and earlier defined combinators to define a result from its arguments1.
So, in short, a parser combinator library lets you construct complex parsers by composing smaller, “atomic” parsers. Here’s an example before we get into the details:
import Data.Char
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP
parseDigits :: ReadP String
= many1 (satisfy isDigit) parseDigits
This is an example of a ReadP
parser which parses and yields a String
containing only digits. many1
is an example of a combinator:
λ: :t many1
many1 :: ReadP a -> ReadP [a]
λ: :t satisfy
satisfy :: (Char -> Bool) -> ReadP Char
repeats a given parser one or more times, yielding a list of the result,
while satisfy
yields a single Char
if it passes a predicate function
in our example).
Demystifying some types
is our parser type. Its actual internals are out of scope of this
post, but it can help our intuition by imagining it encapsulates stateful
“stuff” like the input along with the cursor location within the input,
backtracking/lookahead information, and so on. We’ll treat it as an opaque data
type, but here’s what GHCi
has to say about it (with some details removed):
λ: :i ReadP
newtype ReadP a
= Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP.R (...)
instance Applicative ReadP
instance Functor ReadP
instance Monad ReadP
We don’t get to look at what happens within ReadP
, but we need a way to
actually run our parser on a piece of input. To do this, we can use the
aptly named readP_to_S
… sigh
λ: :i readP_to_S
readP_to_S :: ReadP a -> ReadS a
We don’t get much wiser from its type signature, so let’s recurse yet another turtle2:
λ: :i ReadS
type ReadS a = String -> [(a, String)]
Aha! ReadS
is just a type alias for a function accepting a String
returning a list of matches along with the remaining, unmatched input. We can
expand ReadS
in the type signature of readP_to_S
to illustrate this a bit
readP_to_S :: ReadP a -> String -> [(a, String)]
The reason the return value is a list, is because an input could result in multiple successful parses, and with varying lengths of matching input. This interface can be unexpected if you’re used to parsers either failing or succeeding with a single result.
Let’s give it a spin with the atomic get
parser, consuming a single character
from the input:
λ: :t get
get :: ReadP Char
λ: readP_to_S get "foo"
Since our simple parser only consumes a single character, there’s only one
successful parse, and the unprocessed input is returned as the second tuple
element. Let’s try out parseDigits
λ: readP_to_S parseDigits "foo"
λ: readP_to_S parseDigits "123"
λ: readP_to_S parseDigits "123foo"
We’re getting multiple successful parses with many1
since we’re not
restricting our parser (parseDigits
in particular) to parse until the end of
input. Skipping ahead, here’s how we can use the Applicative
instance of
and the <*
operator to combine parseDigits
with the eof
λ: readP_to_S (parseDigits <* eof) "123"
Let’s get Funky!
We’ve already seen glimpses of how we combine predefined parsers from ReadP
into more complex parsers. Several of the ReadP
parsers accept other parsers
as input, hence the combinator-part. parseDigits
uses only function
application to construct a parser of digits from many1
and satisfy
with a
predicate. There’s one major flaw with parseDigits
though, it doesn’t actually
yield us a number!
One way to go at this, is to do our parse, then map a constructor accepting
over the parse result:
λ: map (readInt . fst) $ readP_to_S parseDigits "123"
Unfortunately this is both clunky, and won’t scale well when we want to expand
our parser to construct more complex data structures. However, recalling the
type of readP_to_S
we can see that indeed, it accepts parsers which are
polymorphic in their return values:
readP_to_S :: ReadP a -> String -> [(a, String)]
This means we can create parsers which directly yield the data types we desire.
In order to do that though, we need to familiarize ourselves with some of the
typeclass instances, mainly: Functor
and Applicative
. There are also
instances for Alternative
and Monad
Since ReadP
has a Functor
instance, our intuition should tell us that it
should be quite possible to fmap
over our parser to convert our parser
result type:
parseInt :: ReadP Int
= read <$> parseDigits parseInt
and in GHCi
λ: :t readP_to_S parseInt "123"
readP_to_S parseInt "123" :: [(Int, String)]
λ: readP_to_S parseInt "123"
If we’re concerned about the (un)safety of read
, we can choose to use
from Text.Read
parseMaybeInt :: ReadP (Maybe Int)
= readMaybe <$> parseDigits parseMaybeInt
which gives us:
λ: readP_to_S parseMaybeInt "123"
[(Just 1,"23"),(Just 12,"3"),(Just 123,"")]
λ: readP_to_S (parseMaybeInt <* eof) "123"
[(Just 123,"")]
Applicative parsing
2D coordinates are a frequent source of input in the Advent of Code
challenges. The way we like to represent a 2D coordinate in code is using a
of two elements, and the elements being the x
and y
position of the
coordinate, or point. Points are often serialized using surrounding parenthesis,
a comma separating the two parts, and optional whitespace:
(-10, 100)
( 5, -42)
We do not yet have the tools we need in order to create parsers for types which
are constructed from multiple arguments, like (,)
(the Tuple
constructor). Functor
only allows us to map over a (single) parse result to
yield another type. Granted, we could give up on type safety and parse our input
into substrings, which we again validate piece by piece to construct our values.
But we don’t accept compromises like these, do we? No we don’t.
extends our toolbox with the ability to lift n-ary data
constructors and functions into the world of ReadP
, allowing us to construct
more complex types:
λ: readP_to_S ((,) <$> parseInt <*> parseInt) "123"
We’re now getting tuples out of our parser, although we’re not parsing actual
tuples yet. Also note that our parser is ambiguous. The result of the parser
should be a tuple, but it’s equally valid to create a tuple of the first and
second digit, as is splitting x
and y
between the second and third digits.
The input format (and thus our parser) must change to specify where one
coordinate component ends and the other begins. We use static delimiters “(”,
“)”, and “,” for this.
To match static input ReadP
provides char
and string
λ: :t char
char :: Char -> ReadP Char
λ: :t string
string :: String -> ReadP String
Both of these parsers accept a character (or string), resulting in a parser which yields the same value if the input matched successfully:
λ: readP_to_S (char 'a') "foo"
λ: readP_to_S (char 'f') "foo"
λ: readP_to_S (string "bar") "foo"
λ: readP_to_S (string "foo") "foo"
We can combine parseInt
with char
using Applicative
to parse tuples
(in a strict manner, without any whitespace):
parseCoord :: ReadP (Int, Int)
= (,)
parseCoord <$> (char '(' *> parseInt)
<*> (char ',' *> parseInt <* char ')')
and applied to some input:
λ: readP_to_S parseCoord "(1,2)"
The <*
and *>
operators just discard the result of the parsers on the right
and left hand side, respectively. The arrows “point” at the part of the sequence
whose value will be returned.
Negative space
There are two issues with our coordinate parser: it’s quite strict in the way it
supports no whitespace, and it does not support negative values for the x
To add whitespace support, we can use the operators from Applicative
combination with the provided skipSpaces
parser. Let’s update parseInt
consume whitespace surrounding a number:
parseIntSpaces :: ReadP Int
= skipSpaces *> parseInt <* skipSpaces parseIntSpaces
should be updated to use parserIntSpaces
parseCoordSpaces :: ReadP (Int, Int)
= (,)
parseCoordSpaces <$> (char '(' *> parseIntSpaces)
<*> (char ',' *> parseIntSpaces <* char ')')
Not much change required at all, besides renaming a function reference! We’re now able to parse coordinates with whitespace:
λ: readP_to_S parseCoord "( 1 , 2 )"
Finally, in order to support negative numbers prefixed with “-” we need to
change parseInt
yet again. Using the provided option
parser we can add
support of an optional prefix of “-”:
parseSignedInt :: ReadP Int
= read <$> ((:) <$> parseSign <*> parseDigits)
parseSignedInt where parseSign = option ' ' (char '-')
Note that we have to fmap
the list cons operator to prepend the sign to the
resulting list of digits. read
for Int
also supports whitespace around the
number, which means option
can yield a blank space character if there is no
“-” in front of the number.
takes, along with a parser, a default value which it yields if the
parse is not successful:
λ: :t option
option :: a -> ReadP a -> ReadP a
Now we can parse negative numbers too!
λ: readP_to_S (parseSignedInt <* eof) "-123"
Monadic parsing
We’ve already mentioned that ReadP
has a Monad
instance, giving us access to
notation. This allows a bit more flexibility and write parsers in a
somewhat more imperative style. Let’s do a rewrite of our tuple parser:
parseCoordM :: ReadP (Int, Int)
= do
parseCoordM <- char '(' >> parseIntSpaces
x <- char ',' >> parseIntSpaces
y ')'
char return (x, y)
Note that we can use the Monadic sequencing operator >>
and Applicative
sequencing operator *>
interchangeably. While in a do
notation it might be
more consistent to stick with the monadic operators.
One of the benefits of using the Monad
instance for ReadP
is that it
simplifies sequencing parsers where later parts of the parser depends on earlier
matched input. For instance, we might want to parse a piece of input which
starts with a number of elements to parse, followed by the elements themselves:
parseCountInts :: ReadP [Int]
= do
parseCountInts <- parseInt <* char '\n'
n <* char '\n') count n (parseInt
We use the count
parser to repeat a given parser n
λ: :t count
count :: Int -> ReadP a -> ReadP [a]
This parser first reads a number n
stating how many elements to parse, then
proceeds to parse n
numbers separated by newline:
λ: readP_to_S parseCountInts "2\n1\n2\n3\n4\n5"
λ: readP_to_S parseCountInts "3\n1\n2\n3\n4\n5"
λ: readP_to_S parseCountInts "4\n1\n2\n3\n4\n5"
The parser does not proceed to process input beyond the number of elements we specify.
Functional programming in Haskell centers around breaking down problems into
smaller, independent pieces. Then using various means of composition to combine
these pieces into a working solution. Parser combinators are yet another example
of how we can achieve proper reusability in Haskell. Recall how we reused
(and its derivatives) to create more complex parsers, which again
could be composed to create even larger parsers.
I really encourage you to have a go at using either ReadP
or the many parser
combinator libraries available. Some focus on performance and speed, others on
diagnostics and error reporting.