Deriving :: IO
I’ve been really getting back into functional programming lately. In particular, with both Haskell and PureScript. When attempting to revamp/rewrite pieces of an internal web app, a colleague and myself decided it was time to start playing around with PureScript. This kick-started us getting back into discussions about FP, reading up on new material, writing all kinds of toy projects, and starting a Haskell study group at work. I thought I could attempt to prepare material for the study group by writing blog posts about the topics up front. Which explains the purpose of this post!
This post is written as a literate Haskell program, so all code snippets should be executable and can be interpreted as a complete Haskell module.
We need to define our module, with some convenient language extensions. So let’s get that out of the way:
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
module Effect where
import Prelude hiding (log)
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
Purity is king
Functions in Haskell are pure. For every input, there’s a single, well-defined output. This is called referential transparency. Here’s an example:
doublePure :: Int -> Int
= x * 2 doublePure x
λ: doublePure 42
There’s really no way for doublePure
to perform any other action than doing
valid operations with number of the Int
type. But what if we want to keep a
log of the calculations we’re performing?
Outbound side-effects
First let us define a Log
type which is a list of String
, to be able to
provide multiple log statements in a computation:
type Log = [String]
If we want to introduce logging to our pure function, we can simply return the log along with our value:
doubleLog :: Int -> (Int, Log)
= (result, ["Doubling: " ++ show x ++ " => " ++ show result])
doubleLog x where result = doublePure x
λ: doubleLog 42
(84,["Doubling: 42 => 84"])
This keeps the function just as pure, but forces the caller to handle the log in some way.
Inbound side-effects
Next, we’d like to add side-effect inputs to our functions. In an impure
language a function reading lines called readLine
could potentially read input
from anywhere: a global buffer, a file descriptor or socket, or just random
data. If we want to maintain purity, we have to provide an additional parameter
with the input we wish to read. This function must also return the unconsumed
part of the input:
type Input = String
readLine :: Input -> (String, Input)
"" = ("", "")
readLine = let first:rest = lines xs
readLine xs in (first, unlines rest)
λ: readLine ""
λ: readLine "foo\nbar\nbaz\n"
We can see that the result of reading a line consumes the first line and returns it as the first tuple element, while the rest of the input is preserved in the second tuple element.
Hiding our effect internals
We have to combine these two concepts into one to be able to create a function
which both reads input and produces a log. We also have to combine our Input
data type with our Log
type unless we want our tuple type to become unwieldy:
data Env = Env Input Log
instance Show Env where
show (Env input log) = unlines $ "" : ("Input: " ++ input) : "Log:" : log
“Env” is short for “Environment”. What the environment is exactly should not be a concern for the programmer, but it can be thought of as the entire execution context in which an effectful program/computation is running. Some like to name this type “World”.
To simplify creating Env
’s later, we’ll define an initial, or empty Env
initEnv :: Env
= Env "" [] initEnv
and an Env
with some initial input:
inputEnv :: String -> Env
= Env input [] inputEnv input
Environment transformers
Let’s define a function reading a line from the environment, logging the line and yielding it as a return value:
readLineEnv :: Env -> (String, Env)
Env input log') = let (line, rest) = readLine input
readLineEnv (in (line, Env rest (log' ++ ["Read line: " ++ line]))
λ: readLineEnv $ inputEnv "foo\nbar\nbaz\n"
Input: bar
Read line: foo
We can see that readLineEnv
is transforming the environment by accepting an
initial Env
, and returning a line (String
) together with an updated Env
our input consumed and log message appended.
Let’s create a new type for this transformation to simplify function signatures:
newtype Effect a = Effect { runEffect :: Env -> (a, Env) }
readLineEff :: Effect String
= Effect readLineEnv readLineEff
λ: runEffect readLineEff $ inputEnv "foo\nbar\nbaz\n"
Input: bar
Read line: foo
We call the type Effect
to signal that it has an effect on the environment.
Bring on the Effect
We can now start defining effectful computations, using our Effect
To simplify logging, let’s create an effectful function for appending a log message to the environment:
appendLog :: String -> Effect ()
= Effect $ \(Env input log') -> ((), Env input (log' ++ [msg])) appendLog msg
λ: runEffect (appendLog "Hello, World!") initEnv
Hello, World!
We can then create an effectful version of our doubleLog
doubleEff :: Int -> Effect Int
= Effect $ \env ->
doubleEff x let (_, env') = runEffect (appendLog message) env
in (result, env')
where result = x * 2
= "Doubling: " ++ show x ++ " => " ++ show result message
λ: runEffect (doubleEff 42) initEnv
Doubling: 42 => 84
Then we can create an effectful function which reads a number from the input
and doubles it using doubleEff
readDoubleEff :: Effect (Maybe Int)
= Effect $ \env ->
readDoubleEff let (line, env') = runEffect readLineEff env
in case readMaybe line of
Nothing -> let (_, env'') = runEffect (appendLog ("Not a valid number: " ++ line)) env'
in (Nothing, env'')
Just num -> let (num', env'') = runEffect (doubleEff num) env'
in (Just num', env'')
Without a valid number on the input:
λ: runEffect readDoubleEff $ inputEnv "foo\nbar"
Input: bar
Read line: foo
Not a valid number: foo
With a valid number on the input:
λ: runEffect readDoubleEff $ inputEnv "42\nfoo\nbar"
(Just 84,
Input: foo
Read line: 42
Doubling: 42 => 84
Writing readDoubleEff
we’re struck with the sudden realization that we can’t
immediately compose our effectful functions. What if we had more of these. Do
we have to write functions like readDoubleEff
each time?
We can surely do better!
Composing effects
Let’s begin with the type signature of composeEff
composeEff :: Effect a -> (a -> Effect b) -> Effect b
Note: Expanding the type of this type alias is quite intimidating:
composeEff :: Effect (Env -> (a, Env)) -> (a -> Effect (Env -> (b, Env))) -> Effect (Env -> (b, Env))
The idea of composeEff
is to start with an initial effect which yields an a
Then pass that a
to another effectful computation expecting an a
yielding a b
. Finally composeEff
yields the b
from the second effectful
computation. This results in a new effectful computation which is the
composition of the two effects:
= Effect $ \env ->
composeEff eff f let (x, env') = runEffect eff env
in runEffect (f x) env'
Let’s add another effectful computation:
squareEff :: Double -> Effect Double
= Effect $ \env ->
squareEff x let (_, env') = runEffect (appendLog message) env
in (result, env')
where result = x ^ (2 :: Int)
= "Squaring: " ++ show x ++ " => " ++ show result message
λ: runEffect (squareEff 42) initEnv
Squaring: 42.0 => 1764.0
There are a couple of pieces missing in order to compose our doubleEff
First we need a way to inject an initial value into our computation:
pureEff :: Show a => a -> Effect a
= Effect $ \env ->
pureEff x let (_, env') = runEffect (appendLog message) env
in (x, env')
where message = "Injecting: " ++ show x
λ: runEffect (pureEff (42 :: Int)) initEnv
Injecting: 42
Note: The Show
constraint is purely because we want to display our value in the
log, and without this logging the function is quite a bit simpler:
pureEff' :: a -> Effect a
= Effect (x,) pureEff' x
Then, because squareEff
expects a Double
, while doubleEff
returns an Int
(no pun intended), we have to be able to “lift” regular functions into our
computation. This would allow us to use functions like fromIntegral
to convert
our Int
to a Double
liftEff :: Show a => Show b => (a -> b) -> a -> Effect b
= Effect $ \env ->
liftEff f x let (_, env') = runEffect (appendLog message) env
in (result, env')
where result = f x
= "Lifting: " ++ show x ++ " => " ++ show result message
λ: runEffect (liftEff (*2) 42) initEnv
Lifting: 42 => 84
The same goes for liftEff
as with pureEff
with regards to the Show
liftEff' :: (a -> b) -> a -> Effect b
= Effect (f x,) liftEff' f x
We can now compose our effectful functions into chained computations with effects!
squareDoubleEff :: Int -> Effect Double
squareDoubleEff x `composeEff`
doubleEff x fromIntegral `composeEff`
liftEff squareEff
λ: runEffect (squareDoubleEff 42) initEnv
Lifting: 42 => 84
Is this operator?
We see that using composeEffects
infix is a bit clunky, so let’s improve this
by defining a handy infix operator alias. We use an arrow-like function to
signal the direction of composition:
infixl 1 ==>
(==>) :: Effect a -> (a -> Effect b) -> Effect b
==>) = composeEff (
Finally, now we’re Effin’ getting somewhere!
squareDoubleEffin :: Int -> Effect Double
= pureEff x ==> doubleEff ==> liftEff fromIntegral ==> squareEff squareDoubleEffin x
λ: runEffect (squareDoubleEffin 42) initEnv
Lifting: 42 => 84
Lets’ combine this with our effectful reader:
readSquareDoubleEff :: Effect (Maybe Double)
= readLineEff ==>
readSquareDoubleEff ==> \case
liftEff readMaybe Nothing -> appendLog "Could not read a valid number" ==> \_ ->
pureEff Just num -> squareDoubleEffin num ==>
Just liftEff
With invalid input:
λ: runEffect readSquareDoubleEff $ inputEnv "foo\nbar"
Input: bar
Read line: foo
Lifting: "foo" => Nothing
Could not read a valid number
Injecting: Nothing
With valid input:
λ: runEffect readSquareDoubleEff $ inputEnv "42\nfoo\nbar"
(Just 7056.0,
Input: foo
Read line: 42
Lifting: "42" => Just 42
Injecting: 42
Doubling: 42 => 84
Lifting: 84 => 84.0
Squaring: 84.0 => 7056.0
Lifting: 7056.0 => Just 7056.0
Do do do…
At this point we’re able to compose effectful computations to create programs which manages side-effects in a pure manner, without the programmer having to worry about managing these effects.
We have seen from our exploration with composition that we can’t quite hide the
“gluing” of the composed pieces, namely the composition arrow ==>
occasional lambda abstractions.
We’re in luck though!
Haskell provides syntactic sugar to improve the readability of these kinds of
effectful computations, called do
notation. Specifically, do
notation works
by using the Monad
composition operator >>=
, called “bind”, to sequence
computations. The catch is that we’d have to implement the Monad
instance for
our Effect
type. Turns out we have already made most of the tools we need in
order to that.
requires our type to also be an instance of Functor
and Applicative
So first let’s define Functor
instance Functor Effect where
fmap f eff = eff ==> liftEff' f
takes a pure function and applies it to a value from2 an effectful
computation. Our instance needs to extract a value from the left hand side
computation, and apply f
to it. We do that using our composeEff
Then for Applicative
instance Applicative Effect where
pure = pureEff'
<*> eff = effFn ==> \f -> eff ==> \x -> pure (f x) effFn
requires us to provide means of injecting pure values into
effectful contexts, as well as means of applying functions from effectful
contexts to values from effecful context. The definition of <*>
must therefore
extract an f
from the left hand side, then extract an x
from the right hand
side, apply f
to x
, and wrap up the result.
Finally, the grand finale: Monad
! Perhaps without knowing we’ve already
implemented the bind operator, namely our composeEff
instance Monad Effect where
>>=) = composeEff (
Wow! I’ve heard that monads are hard… What an anti-climax!
Let’s try to run our new, shiny Monad Effect
readSquareDoubleEffMonad :: Effect (Maybe Double)
= do
readSquareDoubleEffMonad <- readLineEff
line case readMaybe line of
Nothing -> do
"Could not read a valid number"
appendLog pure Nothing
Just num -> do
<- squareDoubleEffin num
result pure $ Just result
With invalid input:
λ: runEffect readSquareDoubleEff $ inputEnv "foo\nbar"
Input: bar
Read line: foo
Lifting: "foo" => Nothing
Could not read a valid number
Injecting: Nothing
With valid input:
λ: runEffect readSquareDoubleEff $ inputEnv "42\nfoo\nbar"
(Just 7056.0,
Input: foo
Read line: 42
Lifting: "42" => Just 42
Injecting: 42
Doubling: 42 => 84
Lifting: 84 => 84.0
Squaring: 84.0 => 7056.0
Lifting: 7056.0 => Just 7056.0
From Effect
to IO
Our Effect
type is starting to become a pretty good approximation of Haskell’s
type. One significant difference though is our type is actually not able to
talk to the outside world. We have, however, succeeded in hiding all Effect
details behind utility functions. What this gives us is an opaque type which we
know nothing about, but which “carries” our side-effects around in our
If we were to choose at this point to hide our data constructor Effect
, we would no longer be able to initiate nor evaluate effectful
computation. Instead, we would have to rely on our entry-point to provide us
with our initial Env
and run our computation.
This is exactly what Haskell does with its IO
type. Through main :: IO ()
are granted a way to compose effects into a sensible program, never really
knowing what the runtime systems does in order to accommodate us in our
To illustrate how close we are, here’s a function to turn effectful
computations into IO
effToIO :: Effect a -> IO a
= let (result, env) = runEffect eff initEnv
effToIO eff in do print env; pure result
and here’s the IO
version of our readSquareDoubleEffMonad
readSquareDoubleIO :: IO (Maybe Double)
= do
readSquareDoubleIO <- getLine
line case readMaybe line of
Nothing -> do
$ appendLog "Could not read a valid number"
effToIO pure Nothing
Just num -> do
<- effToIO $ squareDoubleEffin num
result pure $ Just result
λ: readSquareDoubleIO
Injecting: 42
Doubling: 42 => 84
Lifting: 84 => 84.0
Squaring: 84.0 => 7056.0
Just 7056.0
And that concludes our playful derivation of the IO
type in Haskell. Tada!
The material covered in this post is not revolutionary in any way, and there’s plenty of sources online which covers this from other angles. In particular, this post was inspired by a recent
video: What is IO Monad?↩︎I find that saying
applies a function to a value in a context doesn’t properly capture the cases where the context is an execution of sorts. This is because the value isn’t necessarily stored in a context, but it’s a context which yields a value.↩︎