Public Projects

Here’s a list of more or less useful tools that I’ve created over the years. This is just a selection of stuff I have hosted on GitHub. In no particular order:



These are my dotfiles. There are many like them, but these ones are mine. I take my dotfiles very seriously, as any professional programmer should. (GitHub)

The source code for this very website. A statically generated site using Hakyll to generate the static assets and Nix for building.



Project environment and command launcher using fzf or rofi for fuzzy selection. Implemented in Haskell.

rtcp (GitHub)

Exchange stuff (text) between things (browsers) using WebRTC. Implemented in JavaScript and Haskell.

piddif (GitHub)

A document renderer supporting different formats, outputting HTML ready to print from a browser. Created because I know how to style HTML using CSS, and I don’t know how to style LaTeX. Implemented in Haskell and uses Pandoc for document parsing and translation.



A tiny, simple *nix tool to prepend (customizable) timestamps to input streams. Implemented in Haskell.

Advent of Code (Haskell + Rust)

Solutions for various years of Advent of Code.

JSXAPI (JavaScript)

JavaScript language binding library for Cisco’s Webex collaboration devices. Proprietary software turned open-source. In “widespread” use.

Snake (C)

Stupid C (with ncurses) implementation of the everhungry Snake game.

Elvis (JavaScript)

A library for creating DOM elements with a JavaScript-friendly API. Quite similar to, and superseeded by Hyperscript.